Monday, September 25, 2017

Welcome back to the 2017-2018 school year!

Welcome back! I am so excited to begin another school year with the students in Woodstock! I am still teaching at Dean Street and Westwood Elementary Schools, but the days of the week that I am at each building have changed a bit. Here's my updated schedule:
Dean: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays   Westwood: Tuesdays and Fridays
Here are some photos of my art room at Dean Street:
Our school theme this year: Let's Knock it Out of the Park! I put my own artsy, llama twist on things... ;)

She may be small, but she is mighty!!
Students and I read our "I Can" statements together at the start of each class.

Yes, it's true... over the summer I became obsessed with LLAMAS! They are a big part of the decorations in the Dean Street Art Room!! As I was looking for multicultural projects over the summer, I came across the culture of Peru and fell in "LLOVE" with lamas!

Our 3 Personal Standards: Show respect, solve problems, and make good decisions!


I found some awesome Llama books on Amazon! Here are the links:
Don't fret- Llama themed projects coming soon!

Can you believe it?!?! Lllama lights and socks! I just had to get these at Kohl's :)

Now for the Art Room at Westwood:
We have a really great, BIG space!! There are 2 Art teachers at Westwood- Mrs. Cincola, who teaches half of the students on Mondays and Thursdays, and ME, Mrs. Wagner, and I teach the other half of the students on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Our school theme this year is "Up, Up and Away! The Power of YET!" We are encouraging students to have a growth mindset and approach their learning with a new attitude!

We use Class Dojo at Westwood, which is a wonderful way to build community in the classroom!!

This school year started off with a collaborative art piece!!

Every student in the school made a feather, which we then turned in to a giant set of wings! We were inspired by the amazing street artist Kelsey Montague! #whatliftsyou

Have a colorful day,
~Mrs. Wagner

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